Information about PedoBear.

We got bored and googled ourselves.
 Apparently the word on the tubes is,
 you don't know Who/What PedoBear Is...
(tank god we made teh site)

Genus : Pais Ursidae - Hairy / Furry Mammal
Diet: Loli's / Carnivore
Nocturnal unless hunting.

Commonly Known as 'Pedo-Bear', 
It hunts rural and urban enviroments alike,
searching for un-suspecting underage (Loli) female humans.

(Notes:) Typically Tagged and Released back into
General Population with hopes of Rehabilitation.
Can be easily found on local Sex Offender Websites
or by the mandatory Sex offender Sign in front of his
Cave / Dwelling.

A-typical hunting patterns are useless, as the Pedobear Typically leaves no evidence found at the sight of a
Loli-Attack, only the occasional signs of a struggle
and the ever so rare, semen/DNA sample..

Females are the target, Since Pedobear appears to be a huge cuddly teddy bear. Unbenounced and naive, the child is savagely (imo)devoured.

Typical Behavior Suggests that this PedoBear Contains Semi-Human Consiousness with full ability to operate technology, computers and even heavy machinery.

He's able to Show up at a Sleepover or a Pillow Fight in a moments Notice. Able to instant message a 12 year old on Myspace IM in a moments Notice. Lurks around message boards waiting for the admins to fall asleep.
Can be heard in the wild, howling 'CP!! GET IT!'

Mainly Observed on Social Sites Like MySpace,
FaceBook and sometimes even CraigsList.

Known to also stalk around windows at night. 

Who is PedoBear?:

Pedo Bear basically boils down to an Internet predator of minors. P.B, is your a-typical child molester, or basically anyone who does horrible things to minors. On or Offline.
The FBI and Local Police Dept would love to talk to him.
So, if you're PedoBear, You might want to give them a call.

Why A (Cartoon) Bear, You Might Ask?
Well, mainly for the view of Danger, as in someone looking at a Bear. Yes, he may be cute and furry...
but the odds really are.. It'd Rip your Face off.
(ask the bear dude)  So The Same Rules Apply.

There is Also Speculation about the Homosexual
sterotype of 'Bears',
I.E.: Someone who is extremely hairy, and overweight.

To make this point clear...
Homosexuals are not Pedophiles.. Only Pedophiles are Pedophiles.
Pedobear is just a PedoBear.

The Pedo bear graphic is just a simple sterotype, made into a lovable cartoon character for the sake of general humor and supreme product placement. 

Pedo Bear typically is shown stealing children, running from the FBI and occasionally limping around missing a foot (From a Failed FBI Bear Trap)

Just an Added Disclaimer
For the Really Stupid People :

There are No Cartoon Bears who Roam the Internetz
looking for Children.
Only teh Human's can be Responsible.
I think...

Why did we make this site?

Just to Piss You Off.

Adult SEO Agency

And To The Idiots.-
We Do Not Support Rape..
or Child Abuse / Rape /
Burning and Pillaging,
Clubbing of Baby Seals,
Making fun of PETA,
Eating said Seal, over a bed of tossed greens..
The Voting Process
Nor The Fucked up Actions of Others,
and thats Proabbly Including You. 

We Also do not condone the Abuse of children or any of that crap.
We might have a twisted sense of humor, but We're Not heartless Monsters.

and seriously,

Fuck your Couch.

PedoBear Stickers, PedoBear T-Shirts,
Pedo Bear Pictures , Even Pedo Bear Costumes,
All of your pedobear Needs in One Place.